summary | ||
public abstract |
F glueWithCommas(args: ...string): string Concatanate all the arguments, comma-separated |
public abstract |
F glueWithSpaces(args: ...string): string Concatanate all the arguments, space-separated |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with an animation property |
public abstract |
F animationTimingFunction(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a animationTimingFunction property |
public abstract |
F cubicBezier(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F transition(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transition property |
public abstract |
F transitionProperty(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transitionProperty property |
public abstract |
F transitionTimingFunction(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transitionTimingFunction property |
summary | ||
public abstract |
F background(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a background property |
public abstract |
F conicGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F linearGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F radialGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F repeatingLinearGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F repeatingRadialGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take the argument and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a border property |
public abstract |
F borderBottom(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderBottom property |
public abstract |
F borderLeft(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderLeft property |
public abstract |
F borderRadius(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderRadius property |
public abstract |
F borderRight(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderRight property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderTop property |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F brightness(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F dropShadow(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a filter property - returns "none" value if no argument is given |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a flex box |
public abstract |
F flexcolumn(mainAxis: string, secondaryAxis: string, wrap: string): object Mixin to generate a flex column |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a flex row |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a flex property |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a absolute positionned box |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a fixed positionned box |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a positionned box |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a relative positionned box |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a sticky positionned box |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Mixin to for maximal sizing (max-width/max-height) |
public abstract |
Mixin to for minimal sizing (min-width/min-height) |
public abstract |
Mixin to for sizing (width/height) |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F perspective(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transform property - returns "none" value if no argument is given |
public abstract |
F transformOrigin(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transformOrigin property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F translate3d(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F translateX(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F translateY(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
F translateZ(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
summary | ||
public abstract |
Return the value with the Hz suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the Q suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the cap suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ch suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the cm suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the deg suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the dpcm suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the dpi suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the dppx suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the em suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ex suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the fr suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the grad suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ic suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the in suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the kHz suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the lh suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the mm suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ms suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the pc suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the percent suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the pt suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the px suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the rad suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the rem suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the rlh suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the s suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the turn suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vb suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vh suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vi suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vmax suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vmin suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vw suffix |