Static Public Summary | ||
public abstract |
Return the value with the Hz suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the Q suffix |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a absolute positionned box |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with an animation property |
public abstract |
animationTimingFunction(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a animationTimingFunction property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
background(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a background property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a border property |
public abstract |
borderBottom(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderBottom property |
public abstract |
borderLeft(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderLeft property |
public abstract |
borderRadius(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderRadius property |
public abstract |
borderRight(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderRight property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderTop property |
public abstract |
brightness(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the cap suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ch suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the cm suffix |
public abstract |
conicGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
cubicBezier(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the deg suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the dpcm suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the dpi suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the dppx suffix |
public abstract |
dropShadow(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the em suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ex suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a filter property - returns "none" value if no argument is given |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a fixed positionned box |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a flex box |
public abstract |
flexcolumn(mainAxis: string, secondaryAxis: string, wrap: string): object Mixin to generate a flex column |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a flex row |
public abstract |
Return the value with the fr suffix |
public abstract |
glueWithCommas(args: ...string): string Concatanate all the arguments, comma-separated |
public abstract |
glueWithSpaces(args: ...string): string Concatanate all the arguments, space-separated |
public abstract |
Return the value with the grad suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ic suffix |
public abstract |
Take the given value and add !important to it |
public abstract |
Return the value with the in suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the kHz suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the lh suffix |
public abstract |
linearGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a margin property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Mixin to for maximal sizing (max-width/max-height) |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Mixin to for minimal sizing (min-width/min-height) |
public abstract |
Return the value with the mm suffix |
public abstract |
Prepare a media query and returns it as an object |
public abstract |
Return the value with the ms suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a padding property |
public abstract |
Return the value with the pc suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the percent suffix |
public abstract |
perspective(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a positionned box |
public abstract |
Return the value with the pt suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the px suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the rad suffix |
public abstract |
radialGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a relative positionned box |
public abstract |
Return the value with the rem suffix |
public abstract |
repeatingLinearGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
repeatingRadialGradient(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the rgb channels definition |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the rgba channels definition |
public abstract |
Return the value with the rlh suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the s suffix |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Mixin to for sizing (width/height) |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Mixin to generate a sticky positionned box |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transform property - returns "none" value if no argument is given |
public abstract |
transformOrigin(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transformOrigin property |
public abstract |
transition(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transition property |
public abstract |
transitionProperty(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transitionProperty property |
public abstract |
transitionTimingFunction(args: ...string): object Take all the arguments and return an object with a transitionTimingFunction property |
public abstract |
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
translate3d(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
translateX(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
translateY(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
translateZ(args: ...string): string Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the turn suffix |
public abstract |
Take the argument and return a string with the appropriate syntax |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vb suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vh suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vi suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vmax suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vmin suffix |
public abstract |
Return the value with the vw suffix |
Static Public
public abstract Hz(value: number): string source
import {Hz} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the Hz suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract Q(value: number): string source
import {Q} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the Q suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract absolute(args: ...string): object source
import {absolute} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/position/index.js'
Mixin to generate a absolute positionned box
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string | values for top, right, bottom, left - treated like for margin or padding properties |
public abstract animation(args: ...string): object source
import {animation} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with an animation property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract animationTimingFunction(args: ...string): object source
import {animationTimingFunction} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a animationTimingFunction property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
object |
public abstract attr(args: ...string): string source
import {attr} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract background(args: ...string): object source
import {background} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a background property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract blur(args: ...string): string source
import {blur} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract border(args: ...string): object source
import {border} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/borders/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a border property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract borderBottom(args: ...string): object source
import {borderBottom} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/borders/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderBottom property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract borderLeft(args: ...string): object source
import {borderLeft} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/borders/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderLeft property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract borderRadius(args: ...string): object source
import {borderRadius} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/borders/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderRadius property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract borderRight(args: ...string): object source
import {borderRight} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/borders/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderRight property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract borderTop(args: ...string): object source
import {borderTop} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/borders/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a borderTop property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract brightness(args: ...string): string source
import {brightness} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract calc(args: ...string): string source
import {calc} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract cap(value: number): string source
import {cap} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the cap suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract ch(value: number): string source
import {ch} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the ch suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract clamp(args: ...string): string source
import {clamp} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract cm(value: number): string source
import {cm} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the cm suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract conicGradient(args: ...string): string source
import {conicGradient} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract contrast(args: ...string): string source
import {contrast} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract cubicBezier(args: ...string): string source
import {cubicBezier} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract deg(value: number): string source
import {deg} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the deg suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract dpcm(value: number): string source
import {dpcm} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the dpcm suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract dpi(value: number): string source
import {dpi} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the dpi suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract dppx(value: number): string source
import {dppx} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the dppx suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract dropShadow(args: ...string): string source
import {dropShadow} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract em(value: number): string source
import {em} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the em suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract ex(value: number): string source
import {ex} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the ex suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract filter(args: ...string): object source
import {filter} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a filter property - returns "none" value if no argument is given
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract fixed(args: ...string): object source
import {fixed} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/position/index.js'
Mixin to generate a fixed positionned box
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string | values for top, right, bottom, left - treated like for margin or padding properties |
public abstract flexbox(direction: string, mainAxis: string, secondaryAxis: string, wrap: string): object source
import {flexbox} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/flex/index.js'
Mixin to generate a flex box
object |
public abstract flexcolumn(mainAxis: string, secondaryAxis: string, wrap: string): object source
import {flexcolumn} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/flex/index.js'
Mixin to generate a flex column
object |
public abstract flexrow(mainAxis: string, secondaryAxis: string, wrap: string): object source
import {flexrow} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/flex/index.js'
Mixin to generate a flex row
object |
public abstract fr(value: number): string source
import {fr} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the fr suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract glueWithCommas(args: ...string): string source
import {glueWithCommas} from 'koutla-swiss/src/commons/utils.js'
Concatanate all the arguments, comma-separated
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract glueWithSpaces(args: ...string): string source
import {glueWithSpaces} from 'koutla-swiss/src/commons/utils.js'
Concatanate all the arguments, space-separated
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract grad(value: number): string source
import {grad} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the grad suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract grayscale(args: ...string): string source
import {grayscale} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract hueRotate(args: ...string): string source
import {hueRotate} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract ic(value: number): string source
import {ic} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the ic suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract important(target: string | object): string | object source
import {important} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/important/index.js'
Take the given value and add !important to it
public abstract inch(value: number): string source
import {inch} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the in suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract invert(args: ...string): string source
import {invert} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract kHz(value: number): string source
import {kHz} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the kHz suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract lh(value: number): string source
import {lh} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the lh suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract linearGradient(args: ...string): string source
import {linearGradient} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract margin(args: ...string): object source
import {margin} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/box-model/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a margin property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract matrix(args: ...string): string source
import {matrix} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract matrix3d(args: ...string): string source
import {matrix3d} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract max(args: ...string): string source
import {max} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract maxSize(width: string | number, height: string | number): object source
import {maxSize} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/size/index.js'
Mixin to for maximal sizing (max-width/max-height)
public abstract min(args: ...string): string source
import {min} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract minSize(width: string | number, height: string | number): object source
import {minSize} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/size/index.js'
Mixin to for minimal sizing (min-width/min-height)
public abstract mm(value: number): string source
import {mm} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the mm suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract mq(query: string, props: object): object source
import {mq} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/media/index.js'
Prepare a media query and returns it as an object
public abstract ms(value: number): string source
import {ms} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the ms suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract opacity(args: ...string): string source
import {opacity} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract padding(args: ...string): object source
import {padding} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/box-model/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a padding property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract pc(value: number): string source
import {pc} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the pc suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract percent(value: number, withDecimal: boolean): string source
import {percent} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the percent suffix
public abstract perspective(args: ...string): string source
import {perspective} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract position(type: string, args: ...string): object source
import {position} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/position/index.js'
Mixin to generate a positionned box
public abstract pt(value: number): string source
import {pt} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the pt suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract px(value: number): string source
import {px} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the px suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract rad(value: number): string source
import {rad} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the rad suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract radialGradient(args: ...string): string source
import {radialGradient} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract relative(args: ...string): object source
import {relative} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/position/index.js'
Mixin to generate a relative positionned box
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string | values for top, right, bottom, left - treated like for margin or padding properties |
public abstract rem(value: number): string source
import {rem} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the rem suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract repeatingLinearGradient(args: ...string): string source
import {repeatingLinearGradient} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract repeatingRadialGradient(args: ...string): string source
import {repeatingRadialGradient} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract rgb(args: ...string | ...number): string source
import {rgb} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/colors/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the rgb channels definition
public abstract rgba(args: ...string | ...number): string source
import {rgba} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/colors/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the rgba channels definition
public abstract rlh(value: number): string source
import {rlh} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the rlh suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract rotate(args: ...string): string source
import {rotate} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract rotate3d(args: ...string): string source
import {rotate3d} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract rotateX(args: ...string): string source
import {rotateX} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract rotateY(args: ...string): string source
import {rotateY} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract rotateZ(args: ...string): string source
import {rotateZ} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract s(value: number): string source
import {s} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the s suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract saturate(args: ...string): string source
import {saturate} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract scale(args: ...string): string source
import {scale} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract scale3d(args: ...string): string source
import {scale3d} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract scaleX(args: ...string): string source
import {scaleX} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract scaleY(args: ...string): string source
import {scaleY} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract scaleZ(args: ...string): string source
import {scaleZ} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract sepia(args: ...string): string source
import {sepia} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/filter/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract size(width: string | number, height: string | number): object source
import {size} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/size/index.js'
Mixin to for sizing (width/height)
public abstract skew(args: ...string): string source
import {skew} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract skewX(args: ...string): string source
import {skewX} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract skewY(args: ...string): string source
import {skewY} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract steps(args: ...string): string source
import {steps} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract sticky(args: ...string): object source
import {sticky} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/position/index.js'
Mixin to generate a sticky positionned box
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string | values for top, right, bottom, left - treated like for margin or padding properties |
public abstract transform(args: ...string): object source
import {transform} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transform property - returns "none" value if no argument is given
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract transformOrigin(args: ...string): object source
import {transformOrigin} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transformOrigin property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract transition(args: ...string): object source
import {transition} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transition property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract transitionProperty(args: ...string): object source
import {transitionProperty} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transitionProperty property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract transitionTimingFunction(args: ...string): object source
import {transitionTimingFunction} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/animation/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return an object with a transitionTimingFunction property
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
object |
public abstract translate(args: ...string): string source
import {translate} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract translate3d(args: ...string): string source
import {translate3d} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract translateX(args: ...string): string source
import {translateX} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract translateY(args: ...string): string source
import {translateY} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract translateZ(args: ...string): string source
import {translateZ} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/transform/index.js'
Take all the arguments and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
args | ...string |
public abstract turn(value: number): string source
import {turn} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the turn suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract url(arg: string): string source
import {url} from 'koutla-swiss/src/mixins/background/index.js'
Take the argument and return a string with the appropriate syntax
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
arg | string | URL |
public abstract vb(value: number): string source
import {vb} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the vb suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract vh(value: number): string source
import {vh} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the vh suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract vi(value: number): string source
import {vi} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the vi suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract vmax(value: number): string source
import {vmax} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the vmax suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |
public abstract vmin(value: number): string source
import {vmin} from 'koutla-swiss/src/utils/units/index.js'
Return the value with the vmin suffix
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
value | number |